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Product Partner

Racing Products
Does your company produce a product that is related to racing activities? By teaming with Team Canada Racing, your product can be showcased in the most extreme and demanding conditions.

Extreme Conditions
Laboratory conditions and real world testing work to a certain degree, but for a true test of your product consider engaging Team Canada Racing to test your product in a true extreme competition environment.

There is no better testing ground than the extreme rigors of the Baja 1000, and the ongoing testing and preparation for the race itself. If your product can make it through the Baja 1000, it can make it through anything.

Complimentary Products
Like any corporate organization, we use products and services from a variety of sources. All of our suppliers are noted and promoted through our television documentary and other programs. We can turn your complimentary product into a win-win for all.

Race Preparation
Does your company provide a product or service that can be showcased through extreme sporting activities? Possibilities include:

  • engine rebuilding - let us use your engine and let us test and promote it
  • radio communications - show the world that your communcations equipment can tame the Baja 1000
  • air transport - be part of the team and have your logistics services integrated into our television documentary The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

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